static caravan

3 Ways to Personalise Your Static Caravan

Most static caravans for sale are a blank canvas – that is, they are built with standard finishes, and boast a series of integrated furnishings which optimise the comfort and practicality of the unit but don’t present any kind of personal touch or family friendly finish.
Whether you plan on living in you static caravan, renting it out, or transforming it into a holiday home for you and your loved ones, there are several ways that you can personalise and add life to make your caravan stand out. For those looking to transform their unit from a used caravan into something perfect for them, here are some ideas – none of which can be accused of wasting valuable space!

1. Add some Artwork / Photos to the Walls

The decision between photos and artwork will depend on your intended use for the caravan. If the caravan is set for family use and as your own holiday home, then you can opt for photos or a blend of both. If you want to rent your caravan out as a holiday home for others to use, artwork is a more appropriate choice.
Either way though, adding visual decorations to the walls and to select surfaces throughout the caravan will draw attention to different parts of the space and will make it feel both brighter and more colourful.

2. Bring in the kitchen utensils you need and value most

Personalisation isn’t solely about the way you dress and decorate a space. It can also be about the things you bring in to make the space more functional for you – with the kitchen of a static caravan an obvious place to start.
While some fittings will come as part of the unit package, details like toasters and kettles, coffee machines and tea towels can all form part of your personalisation plan. The more you utensils and items you use to fill the surfaces of your static caravan kitchen, the better equipped it will be to deliver on your needs and preferences during use.
And if you plan on renting out your static caravan, why not consider adding a kitchen basket that includes local goods and everyday essentials like milk and bread – maximising the guest experience.

3. Consider the outside as well as the inside

Finally, when it comes to personalising your static caravan, it’s important not to overlook the outside space and how you want to use this area. Static caravans are often situated or located in holiday hotspots and in private gardens, with french doors and integrated decking levels designed to make the most of the surroundings.
When personalising your static caravan, choosing garden furniture, benches, and other accessories can help you to maximise the inside and outside living areas.
Following these three pieces of advice will elevate your static caravan from a pre-used unit into something that’s been finished with you and your family / your tenants in mind.

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